Blog Archive - Categories
In our blog you can find out what is coming up at GERB in the near future and
what has been going on in the past few weeks.
Here we want to keep you informed about events and promotions – feel free to browse!
地下鉄U4線が2026年に延伸すると、ハンブルクの住民 13,000 人は公共交通機関を利用し従来の約半分の時間で市内中心部にアクセスできるようになります。 路線をさらに2つの駅(シュトルテン通り、ホルナー ゲースト)まで延伸するには、U4を北に分岐させる必要があります。 この路線の延伸は、人口の多い市の中心部のすぐ近くで行われています。
この地下鉄網は、100年以上の歴史を持つドイツ最大の鉄道事業者の 1 つである Hamburger Hochbahn AGによって運営されています。
Video Documentary: FST for Hamburg underground metro system
Floating Slab Track System with GERB GSI elements to reduce ground-borne vibrations and noise caused by rail traffic.
Using a FST system with GSI elements is the effective way of controling ground-borne vibration and ground-borne noise directly a the source.
Our variety of trackbed isolation sytems will solve every possible vibration problem that you might encounter. We will be happy to provide you
with customized advice on your problem.
GERB Insights Workshop Thailand
Solutions for Vibration Control in Infrastructures
+++ update 11.10.2023: We are excited to share that the available workshop places are now full and thus we have to close the registration. +++
Sign up with the contact form below!
We cordially invite you to participate our Insights Workshop on-site in Bangkok, Thailand.
This workshop will provide insights into the variety of vibration isolation solutions available for new construction projects as well as retrofits in densely populated cities. As a leading supplier of high-performance vibration isolation systems with steel springs, Viscodampers®, TMDs and NOVODAMP®. At GERB, we are fully aware that innovation is the only way to secure the future. With this workshop we would like to present you our latest innovations and state of the art solutions for infrastructure applications
Protecting Basel Concert Hall from vibration & structure-borne noise
To make the acoustic performance an extraordinary experience again, GERB designed and integrated a Floating Slab Track system for Basel Tram.
When the music hall was realized in 1876, the walls were built directly on the foundations of the historic city wall and the vault of the Birsig (river). The city wall itself is rigidly connected to the Birsig vault. Over the years, the components have been firmly connected to the tram via pipelines, cable tunnels and a pedestrian underpass, resulting in numerous structure-borne noise bridges. Vibrations from passing trams are transmitted to the music hall and radiated as secondary airborne noise.
The music hall was opened by the Casino-Gesellschaft Basel, founded in 1824, due to the growing number of cultural events. The hall was designed by architect J.J. Stehlin-Burckhardt and is internationally recognized as an outstanding concert hall.
Floating Slab Track with GERB Spring Elements for Thomson-East Coast Line
One of the world‘s longest driverless rapid transit lines with GERB spring elements in Singapore
From Woodlands north to Sungei Bedok, Thomson-East Coast
Line (TEL) will serve 32 stations in over 43 kilometers lenght. When
completed in 2022, TEL will be one of the longest driverless rapid
transit lines in the world. Construction program already started in
2014 and was carried out by Land Transport Authority Singapore
and China Railways First Group. When fully opened, it is expected to
serve about 500,000 commuters daily in the initial years, rising to one million commuters daily in the long term.
A GERB Floating Slab Track system was installed to enable the
Mass Rapid Transit a smooth operation without interference of
structure-borne noise and vibration.
包括的なインフラ開発プログラムにおいて、鉄道会社は単線鉄道網を複線に拡張しました。列車は、1,000 mmゲージを備えた単線の非電化路線を走り、合計4,000kmの総距離で各地を繋いています。大部分がメンテナンスフリーかつ持続可能なアップグレードの実現を目的として、GERBは剛性移行の悪影響を軽減する弾性ソリューションを提供しました。
Blog – Archive
In our blog you can find out what is coming up at GERB in the near future and
what has been going on in the past few weeks.
Here we want to keep you informed about events and promotions – feel free to browse!
Insight Workshops on Vibration Isolation Technology
地下鉄U4線が2026年に延伸すると、ハンブルクの住民 13,000 人は公共交通機関を利用し従来の約半分の時間で市内中心部にアクセスできるようになります。 路線をさらに2つの駅(シュトルテン通り、ホルナー ゲースト)まで延伸するには、U4を北に分岐させる必要があります。 この路線の延伸は、人口の多い市の中心部のすぐ近くで行われています。
この地下鉄網は、100年以上の歴史を持つドイツ最大の鉄道事業者の 1 つである Hamburger Hochbahn AGによって運営されています。
Video Documentary: FST for Hamburg underground metro system
Floating Slab Track System with GERB GSI elements to reduce ground-borne vibrations and noise caused by rail traffic.
Using a FST system with GSI elements is the effective way of controling ground-borne vibration and ground-borne noise directly a the source.
Our variety of trackbed isolation sytems will solve every possible vibration problem that you might encounter. We will be happy to provide you
with customized advice on your problem.
GERB Insights Workshop Thailand
Solutions for Vibration Control in Infrastructures
+++ update 11.10.2023: We are excited to share that the available workshop places are now full and thus we have to close the registration. +++
Sign up with the contact form below!
We cordially invite you to participate our Insights Workshop on-site in Bangkok, Thailand.
This workshop will provide insights into the variety of vibration isolation solutions available for new construction projects as well as retrofits in densely populated cities. As a leading supplier of high-performance vibration isolation systems with steel springs, Viscodampers®, TMDs and NOVODAMP®. At GERB, we are fully aware that innovation is the only way to secure the future. With this workshop we would like to present you our latest innovations and state of the art solutions for infrastructure applications
Protecting Basel Concert Hall from vibration & structure-borne noise
To make the acoustic performance an extraordinary experience again, GERB designed and integrated a Floating Slab Track system for Basel Tram.
When the music hall was realized in 1876, the walls were built directly on the foundations of the historic city wall and the vault of the Birsig (river). The city wall itself is rigidly connected to the Birsig vault. Over the years, the components have been firmly connected to the tram via pipelines, cable tunnels and a pedestrian underpass, resulting in numerous structure-borne noise bridges. Vibrations from passing trams are transmitted to the music hall and radiated as secondary airborne noise.
The music hall was opened by the Casino-Gesellschaft Basel, founded in 1824, due to the growing number of cultural events. The hall was designed by architect J.J. Stehlin-Burckhardt and is internationally recognized as an outstanding concert hall.
Floating Slab Track with GERB Spring Elements for Thomson-East Coast Line
One of the world‘s longest driverless rapid transit lines with GERB spring elements in Singapore
From Woodlands north to Sungei Bedok, Thomson-East Coast
Line (TEL) will serve 32 stations in over 43 kilometers lenght. When
completed in 2022, TEL will be one of the longest driverless rapid
transit lines in the world. Construction program already started in
2014 and was carried out by Land Transport Authority Singapore
and China Railways First Group. When fully opened, it is expected to
serve about 500,000 commuters daily in the initial years, rising to one million commuters daily in the long term.
A GERB Floating Slab Track system was installed to enable the
Mass Rapid Transit a smooth operation without interference of
structure-borne noise and vibration.
包括的なインフラ開発プログラムにおいて、鉄道会社は単線鉄道網を複線に拡張しました。列車は、1,000 mmゲージを備えた単線の非電化路線を走り、合計4,000kmの総距離で各地を繋いています。大部分がメンテナンスフリーかつ持続可能なアップグレードの実現を目的として、GERBは剛性移行の悪影響を軽減する弾性ソリューションを提供しました。
Blog Archive –
In our blog you can find out what is coming up at GERB in the near future and
what has been going on in the past few weeks.
Here we want to keep you informed about events and promotions – feel free to browse!
Insight Workshops on Vibration Isolation Technology
地下鉄U4線が2026年に延伸すると、ハンブルクの住民 13,000 人は公共交通機関を利用し従来の約半分の時間で市内中心部にアクセスできるようになります。 路線をさらに2つの駅(シュトルテン通り、ホルナー ゲースト)まで延伸するには、U4を北に分岐させる必要があります。 この路線の延伸は、人口の多い市の中心部のすぐ近くで行われています。
この地下鉄網は、100年以上の歴史を持つドイツ最大の鉄道事業者の 1 つである Hamburger Hochbahn AGによって運営されています。
Video Documentary: FST for Hamburg underground metro system
Floating Slab Track System with GERB GSI elements to reduce ground-borne vibrations and noise caused by rail traffic.
Using a FST system with GSI elements is the effective way of controling ground-borne vibration and ground-borne noise directly a the source.
Our variety of trackbed isolation sytems will solve every possible vibration problem that you might encounter. We will be happy to provide you
with customized advice on your problem.
GERB Insights Workshop Thailand
Solutions for Vibration Control in Infrastructures
+++ update 11.10.2023: We are excited to share that the available workshop places are now full and thus we have to close the registration. +++
Sign up with the contact form below!
We cordially invite you to participate our Insights Workshop on-site in Bangkok, Thailand.
This workshop will provide insights into the variety of vibration isolation solutions available for new construction projects as well as retrofits in densely populated cities. As a leading supplier of high-performance vibration isolation systems with steel springs, Viscodampers®, TMDs and NOVODAMP®. At GERB, we are fully aware that innovation is the only way to secure the future. With this workshop we would like to present you our latest innovations and state of the art solutions for infrastructure applications
Protecting Basel Concert Hall from vibration & structure-borne noise
To make the acoustic performance an extraordinary experience again, GERB designed and integrated a Floating Slab Track system for Basel Tram.
When the music hall was realized in 1876, the walls were built directly on the foundations of the historic city wall and the vault of the Birsig (river). The city wall itself is rigidly connected to the Birsig vault. Over the years, the components have been firmly connected to the tram via pipelines, cable tunnels and a pedestrian underpass, resulting in numerous structure-borne noise bridges. Vibrations from passing trams are transmitted to the music hall and radiated as secondary airborne noise.
The music hall was opened by the Casino-Gesellschaft Basel, founded in 1824, due to the growing number of cultural events. The hall was designed by architect J.J. Stehlin-Burckhardt and is internationally recognized as an outstanding concert hall.
Floating Slab Track with GERB Spring Elements for Thomson-East Coast Line
One of the world‘s longest driverless rapid transit lines with GERB spring elements in Singapore
From Woodlands north to Sungei Bedok, Thomson-East Coast
Line (TEL) will serve 32 stations in over 43 kilometers lenght. When
completed in 2022, TEL will be one of the longest driverless rapid
transit lines in the world. Construction program already started in
2014 and was carried out by Land Transport Authority Singapore
and China Railways First Group. When fully opened, it is expected to
serve about 500,000 commuters daily in the initial years, rising to one million commuters daily in the long term.
A GERB Floating Slab Track system was installed to enable the
Mass Rapid Transit a smooth operation without interference of
structure-borne noise and vibration.
包括的なインフラ開発プログラムにおいて、鉄道会社は単線鉄道網を複線に拡張しました。列車は、1,000 mmゲージを備えた単線の非電化路線を走り、合計4,000kmの総距離で各地を繋いています。大部分がメンテナンスフリーかつ持続可能なアップグレードの実現を目的として、GERBは剛性移行の悪影響を軽減する弾性ソリューションを提供しました。